Families Need Fathers Produce Essential Book For Anyone Representing Themselves In A Child Contact Case

Families Need Fathers has just produced an essential book entitled “Give ‘Em Some LIP!” (LIP meaning Litigant In Person). This is an essential read for anyone that is either a McKenzie friend or representing themselves in court.

I have been fighting my own case for almost 2 years now and my McKenzie friend has been great and this book will hopefully help me to be better prepared in court and know what is the best thing to do for progress.

The book has been produced by top McKenzie’s and professional advisers such as Jeff Botterill and Ruth Glover and is available at:   http://www.fnf.org.uk/shop/index.php/fuseaction/shop.category/categoryid/21

I hope this book helps all of us progress to a happier future.

Let me know any comments on the book.

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